Welcome to The Pitchpipers Website!

We are a friendly female singing group with a wide-ranging repertoire spanning over 200 years. We sing everything from barbershop through to 80s classics and beyond - all in four-part harmony, barbershop style.

We have travelled far and wide to appear on shows in the UK, Germany and Holland. Our love of music brings us together to create this unique style of harmonious singing and the friendly, fun atmosphere makes sure that anyone coming along enjoys being part of The Pitchpipers

Things are slowly getting back to normal since the pandemic in 2020. The chorus is finally meeting up again on a Tuesday evening from 7.30pm at our venue in Cosham. It's good to be back together in person, doing what we do best.

Our MD Karen started singing barbershop with her mother Marilyn in their front room when Marilyn formed The Pitchpipers in 1977. Karen started out as a tenor and has sung all four parts in chorus or in quartets through the years. She became an Arrangement judge for LABBS in 1987 (now called the Music Category) and she won her first medal for quartet singing with Jamboree! back in 1997. Karen has gone on to win more medals with JaZZmine, Road Trip and Nova. She also sings with medal winning Southern Acapella mixed chorus and is currently very involved with The Collective, being a member of the Music Team and running lots of Zoom rehearsals.

Karen says "Singing is joy, and I love it." It's true, singing is joy, and we thank Karen for helping The Pitchpipers keep the joy coming.

You can also catch up with us on our Facebook page!

Find us:

We are back singing in person on a Tuesday evening.

Come and join us from 7.30pm until 10pm at Christ Church, London Rd, Cosham Waterlooville, PO6 3NB

(Free parking)

Come and join us - your first four rehersals are FREE!!

Do you have a question? Please get in touch! E-mail: UKPitchpipers@gmail.com

Pitchpiper members